
Search results

  1. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    Extension bear no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of any external site associated with ...

  2. Dr. Ippolito Helps Lead Soil Health Survey at Ohio State’s Grace Drake Farm

    foundation for future soil health studies as on-site management practices are altered in the future.  ...

  3. Carbon Sequestration for the Farmer and Landowner Presented by: Ohio State University Extension Energy Outreach Program

    preventing it from accumulating in gaseous form in the atmosphere.  There are multiple methods to accomplish ... injection back into the ground, usually in liquid form with pressurization.  The overall goal of carbon ...

  4. EPN Evening Program- Monday, December 2, 2024: Oh, Deer! Collaborative efforts to create and link deer management plans across Central Ohio

    remarks.  6:05 p.m. Esther DeBusk, lecturer, SENR, discusses the importance of forming networks to improve ...

  5. Two Community Development Awards Now Accepting Nominations – Due Oct. 25 (today)

    career. For complete information, including past recipients and the nomination form, click here.  Godwin ...

  6. Horse

    Lease Paperwork FairEntry classes and lease forms are due in FairEntry by June 1st.  Outstanding ... PAS Horse Show Out of County Approval Form, forms will be provided. Out of county will submit their ... forms to their county office by July 1st if going to state fair. In county needs to submit forms to show ...

  7. Entry Confirmation Sheets Sent

    Forms will be sent to advisors to go over with their club member families. ...

  8. Sours and Vance to participate in university's first Sustainability Pedagogy Learning Community

    division of knowledge in higher education, requiring Ohio State to embrace new forms of collaborative and ...

  9. CFAES News | 11.6.2024

    faculty and staff draw connections and form skills to engage in productive and respectful dialogue. ...

  10. Are Plastic ‘Leachates’ Affecting Lake Erie Ecosystems?

    Plastic pollution on the Great Lakes can take many forms. Larger discarded plastics like bags, ...
