Agreement Submission for Non-Purchase Order Procurement

This CFAES webform assists end-users with obtaining University signature on supplier documents when a purchase order is not required ($0 agreements, agreements related to PCard purchases, etc.). Supplier documents can include: terms & conditions, agreements, contracts, and quotes requiring a signature and/or acknowledgement of acceptance.

This process is only to be used when using department (non-OSP) funds. This webform is not applicable when a purchase order is being used.

Obtaining a University signature on a supplier document does not represent purchase approval and/or compliance review. Questions related to PCard usage, University policy or expense approval should be directed to the Department CCM.


  • Complete the required information below and attach supplier document.  Multiple documents can be attached, if applicable or needed.
  • The CFAES Service Center will submit the document(s) to University Purchasing for review and signature.
  • The edited/signed document(s) will be returned via email to the Requestor and Department CCM.
  • The supplier’s countersignature (if applicable) is to be obtained prior to any transaction or arrangement occurring.
  • After the transaction has occurred both the countersigned document, itemized receipt or equivalent supporting documentation must be attached to the Expense Report (ER).
1 Start 2 Complete
Please be sure to upload the previous version of the agreement if you are requesting a renewal.
Enter tracking number below.
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx xls xlsx.
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx xls xlsx.
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx xls xlsx.
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