Note: Below only addresses UNIV-funded purchases. All purchases using project-related funds are facilitated by the Office for Sponsored Projects (OSP).
General Overview: Bid Waiver Requests are considered an “exception” to Board of Trustee and University policy, as well as State of Ohio Purchasing Laws. Requests are scrutinized and evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Not all circumstances may be eligible for a Bid Waiver Request. Rather, the University may require use of an existing “catalog” (contracted) supplier, or a competitive public bid process facilitated by University Purchasing.
Proactive Planning and Internal Dialogue: It is strongly recommended internal dialogue with CFAES Finance occur prior to initiating a Bid Waiver Request. Proactive dialogue will provide valuable insight and guidance for the waiver request process and current University business standards.
Justification Overview: Bid Waiver Requests are reviewed and evaluated by multiple University areas. Content will vary based on specific circumstance. However, all justifications should be comprehensive narrative (tell-the-story) that is easily understood by others. Submitting an effective justification may minimize processing delays. Below is a high-level overview only.
- Header: Justification be on department letterhead with informational header.
- Date: XX/XX/XX
- Department: CFAES (insert department name)
- Requester: (insert key contact name)
- Bid Waiver Request: Economic or Sole Source (see below)
- Requisition: RQ-XXXXXXXXXX
- Requested Supplier: (insert company name)
- Total Cost: $XX.XX
- General Background and Overview: Provide a brief overview of the CFAES department.
- Scope of Work (goods or services): Provide an easy-to-understand narrative and description of needed goods or services and requested supplier. It’s suggested minimal technical terminology be used. Basic explanations of functionality and/or purpose (who, what, where, when why and how) will help to minimize clarifications. Justification should also summarize the overall benefits to CFAES and University (e.g. research, teaching/learning, cross-disciplinary) should also be described.
- Supporting Rationale and Business Argument: The most common waiver types are “Sole Source” and “Economic”.
Type |
General Overview |
Sole Source |
This can be the most challenging type to effectively demonstrate. Justification must include objective information or analytic data supporting proprietary technology. Or, have significant documented advantages over other options. |
Economic |
This most common waiver type. This is used when more than one supplier can provide comparable solution, and a competitive bid may not be optimum business solution. Justification must include amount of direct cost-savings (direct), and/or explanation of in-direct cost-saving resulting from not proceeding with a specific supplier. Often is required that comparable (apples-to-apples) quotes from multiple suppliers be provided. |
Catalog Supplier |
Both wavier categories above must include documentation or reference that a University “catalog” (contracted) supplier was researched, and, why a catalog supplier is not being considered. |
- Bid Waiver Requisition (RQ) Attachments: There are both required and conditional attachments for a Bid Waiver Requisitions (RQ). Attachments will vary based on waiver type and content of justification.
Required Attachments |
Conditional Attachments |
Not Applicable Attachments |