PCard Pickup Procedures


When a new or replacement PCard is ready for pick-up the University’s PCard Office will send an email notification to the cardholder/card manager. 

  • The University requires all PCards be picked-up in-person. The PCard Office does not have the ability to mail/ship any card. This stipulation includes employees located on Wooster and Statewide Campuses. 
  • The PCard Office is located at 2650 Kenny Road.  This is the Stores/Receiving building located across from Waterman Farm. 
  • PCards are ONLY available for pick-up on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:30am – 4:30pm.
  • It is not required for the cardholder/card manager to personally pick-up the card. The PCard Office will release the card to another University employee. 

CFAES Pick-up Options

Upon receiving the PCard Office’s email notification the cardholders/card managers headquartered on the different campuses have the following options:

Columbus Campus Employees

  1. Retrieve Own PCard: Cardholder/card manager can personally pick-up the card.    
  2. Department Colleague Pick-up: Seek assistance from an available departmental colleague who can pick-up and provide the card to the cardholder/card manager.      

Wooster and Statewide Campus Employees

  1. Retrieve Own Card: Cardholder/card manager can personally pick-up the card.   
  2. Department Colleague Pick-up: Seek assistance from an available departmental colleague who can pick-up and provide the card to the cardholder/card manager.
  3. Request Shipping Assistance by Extension Operations: See below for details.

Request Shipping Assistance by Extension Operations

Jesse Buxton (Extension Operation) has volunteered to assist Wooster and Statewide cardholders/card managers when other pick-up options are unavailable. This option only applies to cardholders/card managers headquartered on Wooster and Statewide Campuses. Columbus Campus employees are expected to personally coordinate card pick-up from the PCard Office.        

How to Request Extension Operations Shipping Assistance

Forward the PCard Office’s email notification to Dawnn Brown (brown.1283) and include the following:

    • Name and address where the PCard is to be shipped.
    • Department’s FDM worktag values for shipping costs to be expensed. 

NOTE: This college shipping option may vary without notice in the event the University updates COVID and/or teleworking protocols. Additionally, on occasion, Extension Operations may experience limited availability to assist. Requests to expedite the shipping process may not be achievable. If a PCard is needed promptly then the cardholder/card manager should pursue an alternative pick-up option.