Signatures on (Non-PO) Supplier Agreements

The University requires Service Centers to facilitate appropriate signatures on internal and external supplier agreements (contracts). 

Recent Update:  The University has requested that “no value” ($0) Requisitions (RQs) no longer be submitted to obtain authorized signature on agreements when the payment method is not PO.  Submitting an RQ for a non-PO purchase may result in a PO inadvertently being issued and additional administrative work to correct the error. 

The CFAES Service Center has implemented a webform submission tool located at under “Service Center Help” tab to submit agreements that are not associated with a PO. 

Below is overview of the various agreement submission methods based on payment method and circumstance.

Payment Method

Supplier Requires Signed Agreement for….

Submission Method to

CFAES Service Center

Purchase Order (PO)

External Supplier

Goods or services purchased via PO and followed by AP payment.    


Attach agreement to RQ and sourced to a PO.

Purchase Order (PO)

Internal Univ Supplier

Goods or services purchased via PO and followed by University internal billing transfer.  Examples:  UniPrint, Fawcett Center, Shisler, Blackwell, etc.

Process varies.  Contact department’s Cost Center Manager (CCM) for guidance. 


Goods or services purchased via PCard. 

Webform under “Service Center Help” tab.

Service Center PCard

Goods or services greater than $5,000 purchased with assistance of CFAES Service Center using high-limit central administration PCard. 


Attach agreement to Service Center PCard RQ.

“No Cost“ Services

Supplier providing a service free-of-charge (no cost) but requires signed agreement.  

Example:  A community center allows “free” use of meeting room but requires signed agreement.

Example:  A group block of hotel rooms for conference participants to use and pay out-of-pocket but hotel requires signed agreement to hold the multiple rooms.


Webform under “Service Center Help” tab.

“No Cost” Equipment Lease

Supplier allows use of equipment free-of-charge (no cost) but requires signed agreement for insurance purposes.   

Example:  John Deere allows CFAES to use a tractor for 3-years with no rental/lease fees, but University must sign agreement confirming insurance coverage. 



Attach agreement to RQ using a value of $1.00.

IMPORTANT NOTE: “No cost” equipment leases require specific University signatures for insurance purposes and must workflow within Workday (e.g. Risk Management).  Please attach “no cost” lease agreements to a RQ with nominal amount of $1 and add narrative comments.  These $1 RQs serve as transactional record for executed agreements that contain University insurance coverage requirements.